Lead With Purpose

Surprise Recognitions Features just announced!

Two new client-requested Recognitions features live now inside your Lead With Purpose platform! Recognitions Slide Show Now, you can show recognitions on a monitor 24/7, or as your employees are coming into your All-Hands monthly meetings, or anywhere else! We’ve created an easy-to-use feature to display your company’s recognitions in a full-screen, slideshow format by

Surprise Recognitions Features just announced! Read More »

February Platform & App Updates: University is live, and more!

Did you know that 75% of companies say their leadership programs are not very effective? This month’s features release focuses on creating leadership readiness at every level of your organization: from the C-suite all the way down to your E3 Leaders. First up, a reminder that the brand new Lead With Purpose University was launched last week

February Platform & App Updates: University is live, and more! Read More »

January Platform & App Updates: New Features for the New Year!

Did you know that 82% of employees say that they aren’t being recognized enough at work? This is a sobering statistic. It should give all leaders pause, since we know that recognized employees = engaged employees who feel cared about and valued, increasing productivity and longevity. With that in mind, we’re here to tell you

January Platform & App Updates: New Features for the New Year! Read More »