June Platform & App Updates

New features straight from your requests!

As illustrated in this month’s previous Deep Dive with Marc, we want to continue to provide mirco-learning opportunities for your leadership development program. You can now customize your plan’s University through:

  • A quick and easy way to add books and videos
  • Save a book to your Read Later list
  • Quickly create a video playlist for your team

Adding new books to the library is easier than ever before. In keeping with our desire to focus on improving the University, you now have the ability to add a book that is important to your company to the University under My Plan Books – the books that are here are private to your company’s plan.

Also, you can now add videos to your company’s plan and create different playlists – this is very useful when onboarding and training new employees at your company.

These updates are now live on your Lead With Purpose Platform!

Watch the video below from our VP of Client Experience, Anja Koehler as she goes over even more information on how to personalize your leadership development and onboarding programs in this month’s University updates!

As always, we’re here to help! Reach out for any assistance with these new features and suggestions!