January Platform & App Updates: New Features for the New Year!

Did you know that 82% of employees say that they aren’t being recognized enough at work?

This is a sobering statistic.

It should give all leaders pause, since we know that recognized employees = engaged employees who feel cared about and valued, increasing productivity and longevity.

With that in mind, we’re here to tell you that January’s Features Updates are live now in your Lead With Purpose platform, and they’re all about Recognitions!

Now, employees can see all the recognitions they’ve received – and sent – in one place, right inside the Recognitions tab.

We’ve also added exciting Recognitions filtering and statistics features as well.

Remember, recognizing your employees even one time per month increases engagement from 30% to 66%.

Watch the video below to learn more… and hear about our final January update for our brand new Weekly Log feature that just debuted last month!

Visit the Resources page inside your platform to learn step-by-step how to use all the new features, and stay tuned!

Next month we will be rolling out more features and updates for you.