Person Holding Compass

Why a One-Page Purpose Plan?

Imagine if your entire company’s strategy—its purpose, values, vision, and goals—could be distilled into just one page. No lengthy documents or confusing jargon—just one clear, actionable plan that everyone can understand and follow. This is the One-Page Purpose Plan, and it’s more than just a leadership tool—it’s a game-changer. Modeled after the Captain’s Daily Orders that I relied on during my time as a U.S. Navy nuclear submarine officer, this plan brings the same level of clarity and focus to business leadership that was critical in the high-stakes environment of a submarine.

The Captain’s Daily Orders served as a single document that aligned the entire crew’s actions for the day. There was no room for confusion, only precision and accountability. Every crew member knew exactly what was expected, how their role fit into the larger mission, and how success would be measured. This idea translates seamlessly to business, where clarity and purpose can often be lost in complexity. As a turnaround CEO, I’ve seen how introducing this simple tool aligns teams, drives productivity, and restores focus on what matters the most.

Let’s dive into why the One-Page Purpose Plan is so effective and how it can help you lead with purpose-driven clarity.

1. Modeled After the Captain’s Daily Orders: Why Simplicity Matters

In the tightly controlled world of a submarine, where every decision can be a matter of life and death, simplicity is critical. The Captain’s Daily Orders provided a clear directive for every team member. It didn’t just tell us what to do—it told us why it mattered. As an officer, I witnessed how this single-page document ensured that every crew member, from the newest sailor to the most seasoned officers, knew how their role contributed to the overall success of the mission.

The One-Page Purpose Plan brings the same level of focus and alignment to organizations. By boiling down the company’s purpose, values, vision, and goals onto one page, it eliminates the ambiguity that can bog down teams. Employees no longer need to sift through pages of strategy documents or struggle to understand how their work fits into the bigger picture. Instead, they have a clear, actionable guide that unifies the team and sharpens focus.

2. The Power of Purpose-Driven Leadership

At the heart of the One-Page Plan is a clear sense of purpose. Why does your organization exist? What difference are you trying to make in the world? This isn’t just about crafting a mission statement—it’s about creating a deep sense of meaning that drives everything your team does. Purpose-driven leadership, as Simon Sinek famously pointed out in Start With Why, is the foundation of successful organizations. When people understand the “why” behind their work, they are more engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving the organization’s goals.

The One-Page Purpose Plan starts with this fundamental question of purpose. It helps you clarify why your organization exists and how every team member contributes to that mission. When people feel connected to a larger purpose, they’re more likely to push through challenges and innovate to achieve their goals.

3. Aligning Values for Consistent Decision-Making

Just as the Captain’s Daily Orders provided a framework for decision-making in the submarine, the One-Page Plan defines the core values that guide behavior within the organization. These values act as the moral compass that directs how team members should behave, especially in challenging situations.

In business, values drive culture. They inform how employees interact with one another, how decisions are made, and how the company presents itself to clients and customers. Whether your core values are collaboration, innovation, or accountability, having them clearly outlined in your One-Page Purpose Plan ensures that everyone is on the same page—literally. It aligns behavior and creates a culture where people know how to act, even when leadership isn’t present.

4. Vision and Goals: Turning Purpose Into Action

A purpose without action is just an idea. On a submarine, we had a clear mission—whether it was to patrol a specific area, gather intelligence, or maintain readiness—but to achieve that mission, we needed clear, actionable goals. The One-Page Purpose Plan brings this same structure to business by linking your purpose with specific, measurable objectives.

Your team needs to know not just what the vision is, but how they will help achieve it. This means breaking down the company’s long-term vision into actionable, short-term goals. With the One-Page Plan, these goals are presented in a way that’s easy for everyone to understand and follow, driving focused action and alignment across the entire organization.

5. Creating Clarity and Accountability Across the Organization

In my experience as a turnaround CEO, I often encountered organizations with beautiful, multi-page strategic plans that no one understood or referenced. These plans were often complex, unclear, and disconnected from day-to-day operations. The One-Page Purpose Plan is the opposite—it’s designed to be simple, clear, and actionable. It ensures that every employee, regardless of their role, understands how their work fits into the larger purpose and goals of the organization.

When everyone has access to the same plan, it creates a culture of accountability. Team members know what’s expected of them, and they can track their own progress against the company’s goals. Leaders can use the plan to provide feedback and ensure that everyone is staying aligned with the organization’s purpose and vision.

6. The Impact of Purpose-Driven Leadership on Team Performance

Purpose-driven leadership isn’t just a feel-good concept—it has real, measurable impacts on team performance. According to a study by Deloitte, companies that prioritize purpose grow 40% faster and are 30% more innovative than their competitors. Why? Because teams that are aligned with a clear purpose and have a shared sense of mission are more motivated, focused, and engaged in their work.

The One-Page Purpose Plan helps leaders bring this sense of purpose into every aspect of the organization. By aligning purpose, values, and goals, you create a high-performance culture where everyone knows what they’re working toward and why it matters. This clarity drives accountability, boosts productivity, and fuels innovation.

From Submarines to Boardrooms—Leading with Purpose and Clarity

In both the high-stakes environment of a submarine and the fast-paced world of business, I’ve seen firsthand the power of clarity and purpose in leadership. The One-Page Purpose Plan, modeled after the Captain’s Daily Orders, is a tool that brings simplicity, focus, and alignment to organizations of all sizes. By clearly defining your purpose, values, vision, and goals on a single page, you can inspire your team, drive accountability, and lead with the confidence that everyone is moving in the same direction.

When your team understands why they’re working and how their efforts contribute to a larger mission, they don’t just meet their goals—they exceed them. Leading with purpose isn’t just about managing people—it’s about creating a unified, high-performance organization that thrives on clarity and purpose.


  • Deloitte, “The Impact of Purpose-Driven Companies on Innovation and Growth,” 2019.
  • Simon Sinek, Start With Why.